It can seem difficult to keep up with the LGBTQ community’s terminologies. From the pronouns with which members identify, to their recognized gender identities.
You would probably be amazed by how many people there are who identify in the LGBTQ+ category, and are not yet aware of the right terminologies to use because they have only just started coming into themselves. It’s important to appreciate the journey and allow yourself to learn.

Celebrity Insider | Kehlani recently made a shocking revelation about her orientation
The famous singer, Kehlani, who never shied away from admitting that she is queer, tried to be directly open about it on her social media in the past. The singer said she had been getting a lot of questions about her gender orientation, and decided to be more upfront by addressing it on her Twitter. She said that people keep asking her so she wants to set the records straight and say once and for all that she is queer, not bi, or straight. She went on to explain that she isn't just attracted to men, but people of all genders.
Kehlani eventually removed that tweet after a fan responded. The fan expressed that she was free to identify however she felt applied to her, but the fan was particularly trying to let Khelani know that saying she’s queer and not bi, then going ahead to describe the same thing a bi person feels, like being attracted to men and women, sends a wrong message to those who don’t know what being bi entails.
The fan also explained that for Kehlani to say she’s attracted to men and women, then go on to list other genders as well which sends another wrong message as if trans people are not men or women, which is incorrect.
When you really think about it, the things pointed out by the fan make a lot of sense, and Kehlani understood this. She responded by agreeing that it did make a lot of sense, and it wasn’t her intention to say the wrong things.

Talent Recap | Kehlani later pulled down the tweet and apologized to her fans
People seem to think it’s overbearing for the LGBTQ community to nitpick the words that people use in referring to them, especially the cisgender, but it shouldn’t be. Like Kehlani, everyone should be willing to learn and properly identify the LGBTQ community.
These sets of people are faced with a lot of societal issues just by being who they are, and even before they admit it to themselves, some start by wishing it were not the truth. Of course, who would want to voluntarily accept a gender orientation that sets them up for discrimination in our world today?
It takes some time and courage to figure out where one falls on the spectrum and to understand that identity. In truth, a great way for others to understand us the way we’ve come to understand ourselves is by first learning to properly identify us. Kehlani has still been figuring herself out and she recently announced that she identifies as a lesbian.

Inside Higher Ed | It takes some time and courage to figure out where one falls on the LGBTQ spectrum
The American Psychological Association says that identity in LGBTQ should be distinguished from who they are attracted to and steer clear of any negative stereotypes that are often attached to being part of the LGBTQ community.