The global temperatures are rising and the world is getting hotter year by year owing to greenhouse gas emissions, increased sea acidity due to carbon absorption, and increased degradation of the natural resources that help protect the planet.

WVXU | The planet is getting hotter year by year due to global warming
Many disasters have also caused some irreparable damage and if the world is going to survive, desisting from destructive activities needs to be treated like an emergency action to take because it truly is. Rising sea levels are leading to more floods, melting ice glaciers, and frequent droughts.
The signs are all there and sadly, most of the outcomes of these destructive climate-changing activities affect poorer nations even more despite their little contribution to the problem. Whether the earth will remain viable for life in the future or not largely rests on what decision humans make right now.
In 2019, Greenland lost hundreds of billions of tons of its ice glaciers, the largest record of ice loss from its surface raising the sea level indefinitely by 1.5 millimeters and now it has shed another 8.5 billion tons of its surface mass. This is truly an emergency situation as climate change has been causing a steady and rapid ice melt over the years.

European Geosciences Union | In 2019, Greenland lost hundreds of billions of tons of its ice glaciers
The amount of water released as a result is estimated to be able to cover the whole of Florida in two inches of water. What’s going to happen if more ice keeps melting? Scientists say it’s strange for Greenland to lose so much of its surface mass and this is the third most extreme case of melting since it started in the '70s.
It’s increasingly important to reduce the occurrence of heatwaves that could be disastrous, by being more serious about ensuring the utilization of clean energy to reduce carbon emissions and pollution. It’s also important to reduce the amount of natural resources we deplete through actions like deforestation and bush burning as these things make the earth more susceptible to floods and droughts, and instead plant more trees and employ more sustainable farming methods.
Climate change is occurring on a global level and that is why more communities are urging governments to take action in enforcing sustainable practices as part of the law. Governance is the best tool to coordinate the activities of people, as long as they get involved, the planet has a chance of survival.

BBC | Climate change is occurring on a global level and that is why more communities are urging governments to take action in enforcing sustainable practices as part of the law
Energy use on the planet also needs to change to much cleaner sources, and our diet is one of the most important factors in deciding how the earth is explored for food. When our taste for food is mostly processed, it puts the pressure of that demand on production.
Consumers are the most important factors because producers usually focus on what’s in demand for profitability. Once our diet becomes more clean and green, the current harmful effect of food production on the planet will reduce drastically.
The sooner climate change is tackled more seriously as an emergency situation, the better the chances are for long term survival of both the planet and the humans that live in it.