Whenever i come across a hitchiker on the road, the question I ask myself is whether I want to risk being the 'Mr. Dead Guy Who Killed Himself' in return for a ride. As a general rule of thumb, I don't offer hitchhiker rides and this prevents them from murdering me.
As I drive closer to someone looking for a free ride, I wonder whether one pickup, one ride, or any help might improve that person's day. Maybe they'll change one day.

Arina / Pexels / Hitchhiking is still a trend today. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I don't understand why people stand with their thumbs out. In the last month or two, I've seen several hitchhikers, which bothers me. Sorry, but don't give up. I can't believe people still hitchhike. I imagined hitchhiking would have vanished from popular culture like lawn darts, smoking in doughnut shops, and sideways-facing station wagon back seats with harnesses.
Still today, people hitchhike. It'll succeed in time. Even still, someone must have stopped for them, and I can't determine which is more worrisome: the thumbers or the stoppers. I'm not being condescending; I'm just unfamiliar with this issue. My friend recently returned from an Appalachian Trail trek in New England, so this is on my mind. Later, she was sitting by the road, far from the car she'd abandoned nine days before, and unsure how to return.

Jane / Pexels / Hitchhiking is bliss at any age - really.
Dirty from roaming, she thumbed it. I wouldn't have picked her up if she weren't my friend. Then someone magically picked her up and dropped her off. I passed a guy thumbing today. He appeared shirtless. Temperatures averaged 16°C. Indeed. Waiting for him is ridiculous. I'm not passing judgment, but I would have allowed him "persuade" me to leave my keys and Starbucks in the car if he had approached me that way.
That sounded like the best-case scenario, so I kept going. I wish I could leave hitchhikers a note as I go past. It may say, "Sorry. It's not worth your time; I'm leaving. Honest. Good luck! I patented hitchhiker notes despite not believing they're popular, so don't steal them or pitch them on "Dragon's Den." Today's shirtless guy didn't bother me as much as others have. He seemed dangerous. Some hitchhikers resemble me. When they appear "normal" and give me the eye, I feel worse. Ugh. This is a "Please. Please help, dude. I'll never stab you!"

Kama Ji / Pexels / Hitch hiking goes "great" when it is not pre-planned.
I was intrigued about the hitchhikers I'd left along the road. Hitchhiking, like my friend the hiker, may be a way to save money or travel the globe and meet friends. Due to media and Hollywood depictions, hitchhiking is becoming less prevalent. If you dress correctly, are friendly, and carry a sign, hitchhiking may be a great way to travel the globe, say many. Considering your options, hitchhiking makes sense. I'm not quitting!